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Redline Markups

Redline markups are incorporated into CAD drawings. The redline markup drawings can be added when the drawing is being redrafted from scratch or existing CAD files can be updated per the markups

Hardcopy Redline Markups:

Redline markup drawings can be submitted as new changes added as a hardcopy markup (redline drawing example at right). During the Q-CAD drafting process, the markups will be incorporated as we redraft the sheet.

Electronic Redline Markups:

Existing AutoCAD, Microstation, and Revit CAD files can be updated per redline markups. You must provide the existing AutoCAD DWG, Microstation DGN, or Revit RVT files and the accompanying markup sheets. Our CAD operators will update the existing CAD files to reflect your markups.
When preparing your redline markup drawings it is important to write neatly and clearly so that we can interpret the changes. Redline markups can also be prepared using Adobe Acrobat and the various comments tools available electronically.

Write your markups very clearly as follows:

RED = Changes to be incorporated into CAD files
BLUE = Comments to our CAD operators only

Redline Markup Services:

A. Hardcopy markups The sheet will be redrawn from scratch with redline markup drawings incorporated
B. Electronic markups Your existing CAD files (DWG, DGN, Revit) will be updated to include redline drawing changes

Turnaround Time


Redline Markups – Minor Text Changes (per CAD file)/td>

Redline Markups – Major Dimensional Changes (per CAD file)CallCall